Assalamualaikum :) Hai everyone! How are you? Sihat? Alhamdulillah lah ye if you guys are sihat .... Ingat... every time people ask you how are you, yang penting sekali always thank Allah and praise Him and then say that you are healthy WAL'AFIAT ..... Okay? :) ask your ustaz or ustazah why hehe So, sejak kebelakangan ni, banyak sangat dugaan yang agak menduga kesabaran hati ditimpa. Alhamdulillah! Ya! Redhailah akan setiap ujian dan kurniaan Allah...........Best apa kena uji...the more He tests you, the closer you get to Him..... kan? :) First kali, my advice, if you do something, and it is not actually the best for all but the best for that time and you know it, then okay. Go for it. If people try to bring you down, or they backbite about you, BE PATIENT. BE COOL. BE LIKE A MUSLIM WHO HAS ALLAH. If you think you can talk to them slowly, then go. But if not, or you know many consequences will happen, then just be quiet. It is better for you to just shut up rather than s...