Assalamualaikum :) Okay so obviously like dah lama gila kan since the last time I updated. So seriously a lot of things happened...and so I think I might wanna make this thing short and simple. *mimpi je la short and simple* haha okay so you know sejak kebelakangan ni; tak tau lah angau ke miang ke apa ke kan tapi asyik rasa nak kahwin awal lah haha *maybe due to the wedding ceremonies i have been attending* tapi bukan nak main kahwin centu je; i thought also about cepat sikit habiskan studies and get a job and have fun while i still can and be someone's wife. so trying to clear out my vision to a purer one; i asked my dad while we were on our way to the clinic in the car about how did he continue his studies and whatever... and i asked him; kira baba ni pandai lah eh dulu? "yep" he said. but he also said time amik degree; you'll have problem in managing your time most probably. he said masa degree lah you will learn a lot of new t...