Safe Haven and Wrong Turn 5

Plessing novel Safe Haven :) Credits to :  Aisyah Zarifah

Assalamualaikum :)

  • Hey there everyone so nak cerita pasal Safe Haven. Safe Haven is my FIRST EVER NOVEL that I read entirely until to the end yes . 

  • I was inspired to read it as I watched the trailer of the movie a few months before I found the book. Thanks to Anis Ilyana for lending me her novel which was her sister's. 

  • I admit. This NOVEL changed my life. Haha. Well, I don't know how but I became more INDEPENDENT and UNDERSTANDING. I learn to be quiet and listen. And I start to motivate people easily with words. I meant. People - me. Haha. 

  • I was really crazy of this book and I tried to finish is as fast as possible and I took only 3 days to finish the whole book. Well I have to admit that I did skip the Kevin parts. Hehe. 

  • So you guys out there go and watch the movie. You won't regret. Yes I've watched it but cetak rompak punye ma -_-" hmph. 

  • Yes in the novel and the movie banyak gila perbezaan but tetap FEELING :) The movie lebih kepada DANGER and the novel lebih kepada TACINK heheh.

  • If you want to ask me about WRONG TURN 5 okay.. 

  • Movie dia kalau tak tapis memang budak 18 tahun ke bawah tak patut tengok -,- Menyesal betul aku beli haha

  • Ini semua sebab eager sangat after listening to Didot and Sop storie morie about this thing. They said that it's even GELI-er than Final Destination. Haha. 

  • Tapi but to me lah honestly WT5 is quite membosankan. Abang kat kedai tu kata WT4 paling seram. Haha but as we search for the DVD dia kata onlu WT5 .

  •  And now I am downloading WT4. To anyone out there, Wrong Turn ni pasal mati mati makan orang makan orang keganasan dan etc. 

  • Memang THUMBS UP sesuai untuk orang jiwa kacau seperti saya dan cikgu Luqman. Hihiks. 

  • Ahh tapi KARI-NGERI is always the best :)


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